Photograph number Social 204
Fancy Dress
Heeley is the young soldier bottom left, but do you recognise anyone
else? Possibly Hilltop estate children.
to Eric
who now lives in Australia for the following:
Left of
me in the photo is Jimmy Austin (footballer) then Kathleen Corcoran (Hawaiian),
Pauline Scott ??
(gypsy) ,
?, (bride), Lorna White (doll in a box), Hilary Newton
(bandage on head), Barry White (air raid warden ?) and Neil White
(coal miner). I think the older lady at the back with the nun's
headgear was Freda Wilkinson. The Chap at top right of photo was not
in fancy dress, he was the mayor's chauffeur !!.
The Mayor
& his wife were also not in fancy dress