Part 1
With the departure of the Romans in 400AD, the Celtic Britain’s who were
by this time truly Romanised were left undefended having failed to learn
how to govern and write and so were raided and in some cases settled by
Saxons and Angles
from North Germany and southern
Denmark. In the 9th century the Danes took an interest in England and
established settlements on the coast before moving inland and capturing
York. By using the Navigable river systems which existed, they slowly
progressed westwards in their search for land suitable for farming and in
due course arrived in this area already populated by the Angles
and Saxons. One can only surmise
that the three different peoples were integrated and absorbed into one
community during the passage of time using each others language in just
the same way that we today use French, German and Indian words in our
everyday conversation adapted by our ancestors. We should not forget that
the part played by Christianity in this early integration because, after
all, there were Christians during the Roman occupation, so that when the
Danes arrived Christianity had spread rapidly to most areas of the country
and also across Europe.
In addition to the
continental services there was of course the descendants of the Celts and
the Romans who, before they accepted Christianity, worshipped their own
God or Gods e.g. the God of the seasons, the moon, the earth mother, the
goddess Fortuna, Mitras and many others.
These people
congregated at their religious sites during certain times of the year to
worship their particular diety. These settlers still spoke the same old
Celtic language and used customs passed down through many centuries by
their ancestors and yet they also became integrated into what was by now a
cosmopolitan community. This brings us to the first two questions. Who
decided that a church was needed in this area and why was the present site
By approximately 900AD, the Danish influence in this area seemed to be
well established judging by the settlements locally which end in the small
phrase ‘by’ e.g. Wragby, Foulby, Kirkby. Unfortunately we cannot put a
name to anyone in person and state that he or she commissioned the
building of the church. It is possible that a group or council was formed
who appointed one of their members as chief and met regularly to make
decisions affecting their particular area. It has been said that the
church was built in the centre of the parish but that cannot be true as it
is situated more or less on the Northwest edge. It is also possible that
the original church was perhaps near the centre of an Anglo Saxon estate
but as to the size of the estate one can only guess. We must take into
account that there are two springs of water close by and springs or wells
were popular places of worship for hundreds of years as even in this the
21st century, well dressing is an established art in many
communities. So there we have three reasons for St Peter’s position to
choose from, there may be more, but I prefer the third one, I could be
One thing is really certain; a church made of wood was built on this piece
of land in the late 10th century or the early 11th
century long before the Normans invaded Britain. At this juncture
it is time to consider the name Felkirk
because there is not and never has been, a place called Felkirk which when
one pauses to think about it is most unusual, after all, churches are
called after the name of the village or town in which they have been built
following their dedicated title. For many years it was believed locally
that Felkirk meant ‘The church in the fields’ due to the isolated position
but if one thinks logically there were no fields as we know them now when
the church was built. Land was cultivated under the three-field system by
all settlements i.e. two fields cultivated each year and the third field
left fallow, plus common land and woodland. Everyone practised crop and
strip rotation. It was suggested and published some forty or fifty years
ago that the name of the church was derived from the Danish title of Fjol
Kirche, Fjol meaning a plank or a board or split logs of wood which over
many centuries became corrupted into fel. At the same time the Anglo Saxon
word Kirche was corrupted into Kirk. The ‘e’ was dropped and ‘ch’
pronounced as a soft ‘k’ was replaced with the harsh ‘k’ of today. Thus we
had Felkirk. Many others, more knowledgeable than myself, and I, now
accept this as the most logical explanation for the word Felkirk and will
continue to use it until perhaps someone has an even more logical
What happened to the
wooden church is another intriguing question without a definite answer. As
we know wood will deteriorate when exposed to the elements so perhaps this
is one answer. The church could have also been destroyed and burned during
the Harrying of the North by William the first between 1069 and 1070.
Whichever answer we choose it will be pure conjecture until something or
someone establishes its true ending.
According to the Doomsday Book the area, which includes the site of the
present day church, was given to a loyal Norman called Ilbert de laci
along with several others parcels of land within England. This was
Williams’s method of rewarding those who helped him to take over this
country and administer it on his behalf. Strangely enough Ilbert de laci
appointed an Anglo Saxon or Dane to act as a kind of deputy administrator
or Lord of the Manor in his Stead. The mans name was Alric and he must
have been very high in the local hierarchy to be chosen for this position
and it is quite possible that, with the consent of Ilbert de Laci, Alric
was the instigator of the first little stone church on this site built
later in the 11th century or very early in the 12th
century. Some idea of the size of this first
stone built church can be gained by lookin g at a small area of the
exterior near the lancet window at the west end of the south aisle. Just
above the window one can clearly see the ancient roofline extending
downwards to the old south wall at an angle of about 45 degrees (see
photograph). The
vertical south wall is also well outlined and contrasts with the regular
ashular blocks added at a later date to increase the width of the church.
The irregular masonry above and below the windows are typical of the
Anglo-Saxon style of building not yet under the influence of Norman
stonework. The stone framework of the lancet window is 12th
century and it coincides with the later widening of the church. Despite
900 years of erosion by the elements, the original architecture of the
first St Peter’s is still available for examination. When the roof and
wall outline is compared to that of the schoolroom in the church yard this
building would be roughly the same size 30 feet (9m) and 20 feet (6m) wide
with most likely a thatched roof and possibly an Apse at the eastern end.
The apse
being a semicircular or polygonal
recess with an arched or domed roof.
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